Get a Greener Lawn With Fescue Sod

Sat Nov 12 2016 | off-topic | sod

You may already know that tall fescue sod is a popular choice to create lawns. But, do you know why fescue is ubiquitous in Southern California? Here’s what you need to know about this popular grass variety, whether you already have a lawn or want to plant one.

Fescue in the front yard

Why Southern California loves fescue

Fescue is a variety of grass that can grow in low fertility soil and works well for lawns and pastures. Tall fescue is the most popular variety because it can thrive in different types of soils and temperatures. The grass can withstand a range of temperatures and of Southern California.

This grass variety doesn’t need frequent mowing, which is a chore most could do without. Also, tall fescue won’t overtake other grasses. Thus, it’s a good choice for mixes. For these reasons, it’s no surprise tall fescue is arguably the king of grasses for the region.

What does “cool season” grass mean?

Fescue is known as a “cool season” grass, which means it’s active in cooler weather. In the summer, the grass becomes dormant. Having a period of inactivity is normal for grass, as it is with all plants. As you can guess, “warm season” grasses are inactive in the cold weather.

Knowing a grass’ season is important in lawn care. Tall fescue grass will look fine in summer, but will need sprucing up in the Fall when it becomes active.

How to install or repair a fescue lawn?

The Fall is the best time for planting tall fescue sod because of the cooler weather, although the early Spring season works, too. Cooler weather is also an ideal time to repair lawns with sod or seed.

Tall fescue sod is desirable because of the ease of installation. First, the soil needs to be weeded, so the new grass doesn’t have to compete for nutrients. Then, the sod needs a lot of watering for about two weeks. After the fescue has grown roots, watering can be less frequent.

Also, it’s important to know tall fescue needs an adequate amount of water, especially in their active period. While the grass is drought tolerant, it does need watering from a sprinkler or irrigation system.

Maintaining a fescue lawn

In the active period, weeding and feeding the lawn will help the lawn be healthy and lush. Good lawn care in the cooler weather will help the grass look its best through the summer.

During the summer, the lawn won’t be at its most verdant or lush. The lawn is still very much alive, but there’s nothing a gardener can do when fescue is inactive. Other than removing weeds and watering, there’s not much maintenance to do. Relax and enjoy your lawn.

To learn more about getting a green lawn, visit our Shop.